Soft delete is a data protection stragegy offered on Azure Storage blobs to prevent inadvertent data loss due to deletion or overwrite of blobs. Read on to learn how to configure soft delete for blobs in your storage accounts using the Azure Portal, CLI and PowerShell.
The Azure CDN is designed to send audio, video, images, and other files faster and more reliably to customers using servers that are closest to the users resulting in significant user experience improvements. One elegant way to source these files is from a storage account. To simplify enabling this, we have now integrated adding and configuring CDN endpoints associated to a storage account.
Cloud Services lets you build and deploy highly-available, infintely-scalable applications and APIs. It lets you focus on building the application itself without having to worry about the hardware, OS updates, network issues, etc.
To provide access to miscellaneous functionality, the tile gallery in the Azure Portal has a 'General' pivot. We've recently (this post is coming in a bit late, so recent-past is probably more like it) added some really cool tiles to this category to help improve user productivity in Azure.
The latest update to the Azure Portal introduces a new way of browing to your resources and managing them, namely the resource menu. This is new type of blade used by Azure resources that places all commonly used functionality conveniently to the left.
So, while prototyping an unrelated UX feature, I decided to deploy a simple website with some static JSON files to an Azure Web App. You've guessed right, it doesn't work!
Happy new year! Glad to be back blogging in the new year. Previously, I've blogged on ways to customize your dashboard. Today, I'd like to continue that discussion by exploring the tile gallery in more detail.
Today, I'd like to talk a bit about Azure Web Apps and how to leverage the Azure Portal to the maximum to create, manage, and monitor them effectively.
Today I'd like to explore and talk about what it takes to make a large single page application like the Azure Portal meet these high quality bars for scale, performance and reliability.
Over the past few months we have been working hard at making the portal fast and fluid. Also, we've been working on improving capabilities for users to personalize their dashboard.
This post basically provides a step by step walkthrough to create a website in WebMatrix - provision the site to Windows Azure and once you’re ready - publish it.